We tend to have theme nights in our house. We started with a Monster Night. We watched
Monster's Inc., made Monster Cookies, and read
The Monster at the End of This Book before bed. It was such a hit that we had Pirate Night shortly after. The kids had both been pirates for Halloween in previous years and still fit their costumes. So they wore those, and we had a meal that we ate with our fingers: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn on the Cob, Watermelon, and a Biscuit.
So this time we decided to do a Garden Night. We made caterpillars out of egg cartons with finger paints, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners; and we made butterflies out of paper they colored, folded accordion style, and then pinched with pipe cleaners.
We then had egg salad sandwiches with cucumber slices, followed by "dirt" with worms, while we watched
A Bug's Life.